Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 cheats

Battlefield 3 cheats

 Battlefield 3

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Battlefield 3 Unlockables:
Complete Warrior (30 points):
Get a kill with the following weapons in a single life: Assault Rifle,
Jet, Tank

Third Tour (20 points):
Get a kill with each of the following vehicles: the BTR-90, DPV and

Gunslinger (20 points):
Get 10 kills with each of the ten Back to Karkand weapons

Like a Boss (30 points):
Get a kill with the skid loader

Jaws (20 points)
Take a swim in the Oman Hotel swimming pool

Multiplayer Kit Unlockables:
Using a kit as you play will level it up, just like your rank. Level up
your kit to unlock more kit exclusive weapons or gadgets. Battlefield 3
calls it a score, such as Assault Score, but it's the same type of XP.
The only difference is it's being directed to a Kit.

The following lists show the amount of score you need for each unlock and
the total amount of score. Some weapons require multiple scores, according
to the Battlelog on Battlefield's website. It's not know which scores you
need for those particular weapons.

-=Assault Kit

    7,000 AS - Defibrillator
    13,000 (20,000) AS - M416
    21,000 (41,000) AS - M320
    31,000 (72,000) AS - AEK-971
    41,000 (113,000) AS - F2000
    53,000 (166,000) AS - M26 MASS
    66,000 (232,000) AS - AN-94
    441,000 and 232,000 AS - G3A3
    126,000, 441,000, and 232,000 AS - KH2002

-=Engineer Kit

    7,000 ES - FIM-92 Stinger and SA-18 IGLA
    13,000 (20,000) ES - M15 AT Mine
    21,000 (41,000) ES - SCAR-H
    31,000 (72,000) ES - EOD Bot
    41,000 (113,000) ES - A-91
    119,000 (232,000) ES - G36C
    278,000 and 232,000 ES - SG553

-=Support Kit

    6,000 SS - M249
    11,000 (17,000) SS - C4
    18,000 (35,000) SS - PKP Pecheneg
    25,000 (60,000) SS - M224 Mortar
    40,000 (100,000) SS - M240B
    40,000 (140,000) SS - M18 Claymore
    60,000 (200,000) SS - M60E4

-=Recon Kit

    6,000 RS - SV98
    12,000 (18,000) RS - T-UGS
    18,000 (36,000) RS - SKS
    27,000 (69,000) RS - SOFLAM
    36,000 (99,000) RS - M40A5
    47,000 (146,000) RS - MAV
    57,000 (203,000) RS - M98B
    252,000 and 203,000 RS - M39 EMR

How to Get 'Roadkill' Trophy:
In the third mission, Uprising, find the yellow cab on the side of a little
cliff (this is in an area overlooking a bunch of parked cars) that is over
two enemy solders. Go up to the car and press the action button to push it
over onto the soldiers below. You will get the Roadkill Achievement/Trophy.